Facultatea de Ştiinţe Economice Cluj

Universitatea Creştină "Dimitrie Cantemir" Bucureşti

Acreditată prin Legea 238 din 23.04.2002 şi evaluată instituţional cu GRAD DE ÎNCREDERE RIDICAT

Faculty of Economics Cluj-Napoca of Christian University "Dimitrie Cantemir" Bucharest

invites you to the



13th edition

organized on June 9, 2023, at the Cluj-Napoca Faculty of Economics

Registration of communications

  • the deadline for participants to register and submit the title along with the abstract, keywords and JEL codes: May 19, 2023;
  • deadline for notification of acceptance of the paper: May 26, 2023
  • the papers will be sent to the e-mail address: cercetare@cantemircluj.ro
  • the title, abstract, JEL code and keywords will be sent for registration in Romanian;
  • the papers will be written in Romanian;
  • the papers that will be accepted after the presentation at the Scientific Communications Session must be submitted in full by June 2, 2023;
  • the accepted works will be published in volume with ISBN in a CNCSIS recognized publisher.

The documents must follow the following word processing instructions:

  • Page format: A4 with the following edges: up 2.5 cm, down 6.5 cm, left 2.5 cm, right 5.5 cm (2; 6.5);
  • Font: Times New Roman, size 12 pts;
  • The title of the paper is written in capital letters, bold, centered, font size 14 pt;
  • Under the title, on the right, the name and surname of the author, in capital letters, bold, size 12 points, and at the foot of the first page of the paper, the didactic degree, the scientific title and the university / institution will be written;
  • Under the title of the work and the author, a summary of the work will be written, in italics, size 11 points, on a smaller frame (text box), without marking, up to 10 lines, in English;
  • Paragraphs are written in lower case, bold, size 12 points, 2 lines apart.;
  • The paper is not paginated;
  • The paragraph should have a single line spacing.


For more information please contact us by e-mail: cercetare@cantemircluj.ro

  •   Cluj-Napoca, str. Teodor Mihalii, nr.56
  •   0372-762977
  •   secretariat@cantemircluj.ro
  •   casierie@cantemircluj.ro